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Video Library
MO-2 Overview
Take a guided tour of the MO-2 Multi Overtone.
MO-2 Sound Check
Sound examples of the MO-2 Multi Overtone.
MO-2 John 5 Playing Examples
John 5 (Marilyn Manson, Rob Zombie) demonstrates the MO-2 Multi Overtone.
MO-2 Jude Gold Playing Examples
Session player, sideman, and guitar journalist, Jude Gold, demonstrates the MO-2 Multi Overtone.
MO-2 Audio/Settings Demo
Lee Wrathe shows you some of the sounds you can achieve using the MO-2 Multi Overtone.
TE-2/MO-2 Lee Wrathe Demo (Part 1)
Lee Wrathe demonstrates the rich tone and dynamic clarity of the TE-2 Tera Echo and MO-2 Multi Overtone.
TE-2/MO-2 Lee Wrathe Demo (Part 2)
Lee Wrathe improvises with the TE-2 Tera Echo and MO-2 Multi Overtone over a loop created with the RC-3 Loop Station.
MDP Pedals Lee Wrathe Demo
Lee Wrathe demonstrates the creative possibilities when combining the TE-2 Tera Echo, MO-2 Multi Overtone, and DA-2 Adaptive Distortion.
MDP Pedals NAMM Booth Demo
Jim Bybee demonstrates the DA-2 Adaptive Distortion, MO-2 Multi Overtone, and TE-2 Tera Echo pedals with MDP (Multi-Dimensional Processing) at NAMM 2013.

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多重處理技術(Multi-Dimensional Processing)所創造的超優音色
Roland的最新Multi-Dimensional Processing(MDP)多重哭間處理技術,從多方面來分析聲音訊號,然後對每個訊號加入最完美的效果。透過對應即時輸入訊號所給予的不同的動態變化,MDP可 以創造出大膽、前所未有的全新聲音。
MO-2: 富有表情的新聲音